Thursday, September 27, 2007

Difference between Test Methodology and Test strategy

Test Methodology includes Planning & method/approach used to test the S/w. Testing methodology is generally three types such as black box, white box and gray box testing.
Testing Technique---Use black box and white box testing technique such as path testing, coverage, code coverage, boundary value, equivalence partitioning etc….
Test Strategy contains different types of testing used to test overall & each phase of the s/w, which methodology used BBT or WBT and also when we use manual & when we will automation test

1 comment:

Quality Assurance said...

When a project gets initiated, we create the test strategy first. Test-Strategy will tell how to go about testing a business requirement or feature. It details the approach that you will implement to ensure that the product is ready for shipping by release date. This will include the high level functional and non functional test-scripts that you run based on the requirements.
Test plan is created at a later stage. Check the article below to get a details understanding on that:
What is the difference between a Test Strategy and Test Plan?